Several renowned Hollywood directors have recently critiqued the Marvel and DC films. James Cameron, who recently criticized the immature characters in these films in an interview with the New York Times, was the most recent to make a statement about him.
James Cameron, who directed Titanic and Avatar, strongly believes in superhero movies in general and Marvel Studios and DC Entertainment in particular. The filmmaker claimed that every character in these films “acts like they are in college” and that “it’s not the way to develop movies.”
When I watch these tremendous and spectacular movies, I’m watching you, Marvel, and DC; no matter how old the characters are, they all act like they’re in college. They have relationships, but they don’t have them.
The director continued by saying he disagreed with Marvel and DC’s approaches to movies. “They don’t give up their careers when they have children. Those characters don’t experience it, and I think it’s not the way to make movies”. And do we want to talk about those things that keep us grounded and give us love, strength, and purpose?
James Cameron | Upcoming Film
James Cameron’s upcoming film Avatar: The Way of Water will release in December. With three biological children and an additional adopted teenage daughter, played by Sigourney Weaver, Jake and Neytiri are the parents at the start of the sequel.
After 15 years, Zoe and Sam are now playing parents, according to Cameron. In the first movie, Sam’s character makes an insane, borderline suicidal leap of faith from his flying monster, drastically altering the path of history.
Additionally, Zoe’s character leaps off a limb in the hopes that there will be some great, huge leaves below that will soften her landing. However, you don’t believe that after you become a parent. Therefore, I had the notion, “What happens when those characters age and understand they have a duty beyond their survival?” as a dad of five kids.