Rush Hour’s original action-comedy trilogy was released in theaters from 1998 to 2007. The narrative was paused after its popularity until its delayed revival in 2016. According to actor Jackie Chan, the long-awaited Rush Hour 4 sequel is already in the early phases of development. The first news occurred in 2019 when Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan’s co-star, hinted that the movie was coming together.
According to reports from Deadline, Chan gave a speech today at the Red Sea Film Festival and shared some fascinating details about the franchise’s future. Chan’s claims were: ” we’re talking about part 4 right now,” confirming the rumors.
The director’s identity has not been made public. It is still being determined whether the script has been finished or is still developing. He also said that after his appearance at the festival, he would meet with the director to discuss the hand. The screenwriter who will sign the script has yet to be identified.
Chan’s impact on the series extends beyond his appearances in the films. We are familiar with the star’s sides from when we watched Rush Hour 2 in 2001. Chan’s impact on the series goes beyond just playing these parts.
The action-comedy fusion in Rush Hour movies is the final result of the filmmaker and actor’s labors since the genre’s beginnings in Hong Kong in the 1970s. In his lengthy career, the films Drunken Master (1978) and Police Story (1985) stand out. These are examples of the kind of work that subsequently inspired more contemporary works by him, like The Tuxedo (2002) and The Spy Next Door (2010).