Breaking Bad is one of the most beloved TV series ever, thanks to the emotional strength that the protagonist, Bryan Cranston, has managed to give to all the topical scenes of the story.
Cranston has told in several interviews how a particular sequence has devastated him, so much so that he ended up in tears.
Anna Gunn, who plays Skyler in the series, told Buzzfeed how, after filming that particular scene, Bryan Cranston broke into an inconsolable cry that lasted about 15 minutes.
We are talking about when Walter lets Jane, Jesse’s girlfriend, die. The girl drowns in her vomit from a heroin overdose in front of an impassive Walter.
This is undoubtedly one of the critical moments of Breaking Bad that marked all the spectators and, as far as it opens, also the actors.
I saw my daughter’s face in Jane’s – Cranston told Entertainment Weekly. I thought one of the reasons it would be fitting to save that girl was that she was a young girl. She could have been my daughter. This was enough for my daughter’s face to appear in place of Krysten’s.