Better Call Saul is undoubtedly one of the most significant television shows in recent memory. The program, which debuted as both a prequel and a spin-off of the immensely successful Breaking Bad (2008–2013), centers on the lawyer Jimmy McGill, aka Saul Goodman (played by Bob Odenkirk), and his burgeoning legal career as well as his post–BB life. But some uncertain events led to the production giving second seconds about Recasting the character of Saul Goodman in the show’s final season.
The program finished after six seasons, precisely seven years later, with a genuinely magnificent conclusion that was well-liked by both reviewers and viewers alike. Unfortunately, Odenkirk suffered a severe health issue during the filming of the last few episodes, specifically a heart attack, which forced the production to stop while he was away from the scene.
Better Call Saul debuted on the small screen in 2015
However, in reality, he would be open to something else. Thankfully, after much-needed treatment, the star made a remarkable recovery and shot what Better Call Saul was missing.
Odenkirk admitted that, if necessary, he would have withdrawn to allow another artist to close the production. And thus, officially end Better Call Saul in one of the particular contents present in the Blu-Ray of the sixth season of the making.
It was a scary day for everyone there when I had my heart attack. I fell off; I got gray and felt like it was over. I’ve heard the stories. They would have just discontinued the series if I wasn’t able to. They wouldn’t try to move on, which makes me feel bad. If that happened, I wish they had an actor to play Jimmy to tell the story they wrote.
What to say? It takes a lot of courage to make such statements. Still, Bob Odenkirk is so attached to their television counterpart that he accepts even such an ominous fate.